
Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Chain of responsibility patterns is used when we want to divide a control logic into pieces. The most common implementation is an email handler mechanism. In this mechanism, we will have an Handler interface and some classes implementing this Handler interface.

All requests will come to the first handler. After the first handler handles the requests whose rules are defined in its class, it will pass the control (remaining requests) to second handler. This flow will continue until all requests handled.

Sort the handlers from the most used to the least. By this way, unnecessary or least used ones will not work so often.

Ref: Head First Design Patterns


Logging with Spring AOP

We will simply implement three advice interfaces of aop. First, let's create a class that implements ThrowsAdvice for intercepting when an exception occurs, AfterReturningAdvice for intercepting after the method and MethodBeforeAdvice for intercepting before the method.
public class LoggingBean implements MethodBeforeAdvice,
                                    ThrowsAdvice {

    public LoggingBean() { }

    public void afterThrowing(Method invokedMethod,
                              Object[] parameters,
                              Object invokedClass,
                              Exception exp) {

    // do logging here after an exception
    public void before(Method invokedMethod,
                       Object[] parameters,
                       Object invokedClass) throws Throwable {

    // do logging here before method


    public void afterReturning(Object returnVal,
                               Method invokedMethod,
                               Object[] parameters,
                               Object invokedClass) throws Throwable {

    // do logging here after method


As you can see, you can use any values needed for logging from parameters of the methods (returnVal, invokedMethod, parameters, invokedClass).

Now we will introduce this bean to spring in a xml file. And we will also create a bean from BeanNameAutoProxyCreator for intercepting the requested beans with the above class.
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
 <bean id="logger" class="LoggingBean"/>
 <bean class="org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy.BeanNameAutoProxyCreator">
  <property name="beanNames">
  <property name="interceptorNames">

In the beanNames property, we are selecting which spring beans to apply the interceptor (in the example, we are applying the filter to the beans those names end with Service or Client) and in the interceptorNames property, we are selecting the interceptors.

That's all. You can now log your methods before and after execution, also after throwing an exception.

Ref: Spring BeanNameAutoProxyCreator JavaDoc
A Knol About Spring Aop