
More Interview Programming Questions

  • Write a function to reverse a sentence's wording order (also in recursive form)
    • Input: "I saw a dog"
    • Output: "dog a saw I"
  • Given APIs write following functions
    • Given APIs:
      • Color(String color) --changes pen color
      • Rotate(angle) --rotate the pen angle
      • Move(distance) --move while drawing
    • Draw rectangle function
    • Draw circle function
  • Given API, write following function
    • Airline.hasDirectFlight(source,destination) :: boolean
      • Returns true if source and target has a direct flight
    • Write boolean isReachable(source,destionation) function


Some Phone Interview Programming Questions

I sometimes try phone interviews with companies. It is both a refreshment for me and a fun way to challenge yourself. These questions are easy ones though, but can be noted.
  • Find duplicate element in an N array.
    • [1,2,3,4,5,4] > 4
  • Given earth and 1 billion star location, find 100 closest stars to earth
    • locations in 3d
  • Write parseInt function in Java.
    • 123 > 123
    • 123.00 > 123
    • 123ab > Exception
    • 123.ab > Exception
    • 123.50 > Exception (or rounding)
    • 12323123123131231231312312312 > Exception


PES Scoreboard for Android

I published my first android app. It was intended to make an introduction to android programming. It is just a scoreboard for creating football tournaments (aka soccer) while you play PES or FIFA with your friends. You can add players from different countries and create tournaments in either single or double matches. Then the app will keep record of the matches, scores and standings.
I will add more features on my next spare time.

Bu program yardımıyla PES veya FIFA oynarken tek veya çift maç usulü turnuvalarınızın skorlarını, maçları ve puan durumunu kolayca takip edebilirsiniz. Daha başka özellikler eklemeye çalışacağım ilk boş zamanımda.